Monday, 1 June 2015

Status that should posted in FB but I didn't dare to do it...My hopes are gone

Marini Mohd Thaib

I went to see a doctor last Friday and had a scan to confirm that whether I am pregnant or not since it has been 4 months I didn't get my period. The result was negative. My heart was crushed and I felt devastated. That's it. I am done. I don't feel to try anymore. I need time to gain my strength. For the time being I want to focus on my weight loss. No more thinking of TTC anymore. Maybe in July I will continue my treatment. 

This is my first time I am being open about my feelings. I never mention about my feelings of not having a child to strangers. Well, nobody is reading my blog any way so I don't mind to share it worldwide. 

Keep trying Mar although you are losing hope now and then. Allah has a good plan for you. He knows what is the best for you. Have a faith on Him!