Sunday 18 May 2014

What about book?




April is a month for us to celebrate the beauty of an object we call as a book.  I feel so regret when I cannot go to the Book Fair held at PWTC last April.  I missed the feelings of craziness looking for the books…the feel of engross turning page by page of the books and I missed the feel that I am in my own fantasy world just by looking at the stack of the books on the bookshelves.


A book is not only contain papers filled of a few ounce of ink written as words. It is more than that. It is full of story, knowledge, information and sometimes it contains words that can soothe us when we read them. Imagine the power of book that can change our life…forever…


Don’t believe me!!! Ok then…


A very common example, related to all of us…we read books (academic books) to pass in our examinations…agree or not, that’s what we did before, right…? so books change our life and now we have a job and we can survive today because the good deeds of a book to us. Please don’t try to deny it.


Another example, I have read about someone who read a self-enhancement book. When he finished read that book, he became a different person, a better person actually, because of what, because of a power of a book.


I read books in two situations – when there is no tv or when there is no internet near to me. I often read books in the train and sometimes if there is no seat then I will read while I am standing surround with cohort of people. Sometimes I notice that some of them are looking at me annoyingly seems that I want to show off. They maybe don’t understand the feelings of bored of doing nothing in a train. I am not a type of person that can only seat in the train, just staring outside the window or sometimes staring at the people coming in and out of the train.  I need something more than that, something that can make me pleasure during sitting in the train then I choose to read a book.


I also read a book when waiting for my turn dealing at the bank counter, post office, waiting for the food order, while waiting for the bus, waiting for the lecturer in a lecture room or anywhere that need me to wait for something.  So my friends see me as a bookworm. Podachit….mana ada…hello…I am not a bookworm ok…because for me a bookworm is a person who reading an academic books and he/she will remember all the facts from the books…me???only read novels ...hahaha…so I am not a bookworm. But now I love to read an encyclopedia and you know what I just knew that Nile River is in Africa… huhuhu…well at least I know that before this Nile River is in Egypt, thank God Egypt is in Africa. (got to tell you that I am so poor in Geography) .I know a lot of things from that encyclopedia even I didn’t know that peach is in the family of roses.


Sometimes, I feel happy when I see people read in the train.  I can feel that we are connected just by looking at them who have the same interest like me.  I realize that, it is so difficult to see people read in the train and I seldom see people hold a book during travel with the train or bus. But I realize that some of them cannot read in the vehicles because they will feel dizzy when they do it and if that is the reason, then I can accept and understand that.



Well, I am so fond of reading not because someone had influenced me…it came naturally and I hope that my children will inherit my attitude. Hopefully…

My husband does not like read the books but he prefer to read articles via the internet.  Well, it is ok with me as long as he loves to read. Knowledge can be obtained from the various of sources not just by reading books. People tend to find any information from the internet but I more prefer the conventional way. After all, I believe that all the knowledge from the internet are all from books, right?


Ok then, I need to stop now. I can feel that my back is ache…need to lay for a while. Well…baca buku baca gak…Quran pun ken baca gak k…


Chaw…till here for now…

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