Wednesday 18 June 2014

New Semester



            The new semester will begin in a few days. A lot of things to be done: notes preparation, class preparation, FRP etc. Unfortunately, I don’t feel to do all of these things. Not in a mood although I can’t hardly wait to teach again. This semester I will be teaching 4 course codes. Crazy. Well, it is ok for me actually as long as there will be no interference from other unrelated tasks or attending courses here and there. If I can focus on my class, I will be so glad.

            New semester…new beginning…with a new motivation. I hope I will get good students like last semester. I hope my new students will behave and do what I ask them to do. I will be better, that is my promise. I will teach my students with all my heart.

            To all my students… welcome to my class. Let’s make our class fun. Don’t be stressed out in my class. I am a simple person, I will make my lesson simple. I am happy to be your teacher, I hope you are happy to be my students too.

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