Thursday 20 August 2015

Blogging at KLIA

Hi there, nothing much to tell actually. I am waiting for my brother in law to check in for his flight to Madinah and I am alone now. My husband and his brother are going to the prayer room. (This post is resemble with my diary. OMG... I will try my best not to make my blog as my diary)

I was looking around this area. I could see a lot of people with their big luggages. Everyone of them has their own destination. This airport is just the transit before they proceed their journey. Everyone is hoping that they will arrive safely and people who are waiting for them also are praying for their safety. Suddenly, the tragedy of MH370 flashed in my mind. It is been a year after that tragedy.Anyway, I am not interested in MH370 story. After all, this post is only about my random thought.

Haish...blank. I have nothing more to tell.

Have a safe journey Dr. Hussain. Wish you to have a "haji mabrur". Please pray for my husband and me to get pregnant soon. Please send our warm regards to Rasullah saw. Please pray for us  so that we will be His next guest. Please be safe. We will wait for your homecoming.

pen off.

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