Sunday 18 May 2014

My first Post

I used to have a blog (by using friendster domain)...but since I have terminated my Friendster account, I cannot retrieve my blog anymore. What a waste...I posted a lot in that blog. It seems that half of my life disappeared with that blog. hissh...

Then, I created another blog > , unfortunately I totally forgot the username and password. I don't really mind actually but I really need to get rid of my ugly picture in it. Well, I believe no one will come across to that blog, so let it be.

 Well, nothing much to say. I'm not going to use this blog as my diary. Diary is one thing , blog is the other thing. Although I'm sure that there is nobody who will read my blog, it doesn't mean that I can share everything in here because this blog is not a diary.

I will share my thoughts about something not about somebody. So this is not the platform to condemn people although I believe if I mention someone's name, nobody will know and nobody will care about it, but for safety...mentioning people's name in here is forbidden.

For those who come across this blog...I wish you happy reading and of course thank you for reading this blog.

Until here for now.

Pen off.

1 comment:

  1. Haha...I managed to delete that stupid blog. Ngeh..ngeh...ngeh
