Tuesday 22 July 2014

Cycling is Fun

            Hello peps…
            I need to work out to burn fat. (you can recall my story of losing weight at this link : http://blue-bubble-blup.blogspot.com/2014/05/struggling-with-my-weight-part-1.html ). My new activity to burn calories is cycling. I prefer cycling than jogging. Cycling is more fun. I can go far with cycling rather than jog and the best thing is I am cycling with my husband. We are cycling everyday…it’s been over a month now and we are planning to do this for entire of our life. (if possible)
            What I really love about cycling is we can spend our time together, doing something that we both enjoy so much. It is hard to get along with our spouse nowadays because of technology. Every one of us is busy with our smartphone. Although a couple is sitting together side by side but they not even look to each other’s eyes or even making any conversation. When I go to the restaurant I can see here and there people look on their hp screens rather than have a normal life mingling with each other. So when my husband and I are cycling…this is the only time that we are not using hand phone. We cycling side by side and talking about our day. It is a great feeling and when we are cycling along the beach and it sparks romance between us. It is amazing! I gain double advantages : burn fat and strengthen our relationship.
            Last week it had been an accident. I wanted to take over my husband’s bicycle but my back tire was hitting his tire front tire. He was felt from his bicycle and he had a few wounds here and there. So I’ll be make sure to take full precaution and safety after this because cycling can be fun and dangerous too.
Happy cycling!!!

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